44321 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

44321 Darlington Road, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Institutional Context

As I am creating this magazine on my own for a specific audience, it will have certain limitations, meaning that I will need to take on the jobs of production by myself, this includes, photographer, editor, journalist and so on. Production time for the magazine will be limited as I will be set and set myself a dealine for the finalisation of the product, yet in the real life instituion funding could be available from large companies such as "Bauer Media" which owns a large amount of successful magazines including "Q" and "Kerrang" another example of it would be "IPC Media" which owns "NME" another successful music magazine, directed at the rock genre. "Bauer Media" is an example of horizontal intergration as it has a variety of products or services over various media platforms such as TV, Music and Magazine, this will mean there would be knowledge and resources available for the production of a product. To target a larger company for publication would be a help in starting up a magazine as, they are more well known and therefore have more rescources, meaning that it would be easier for me to start the magazine and create a better end product, in comparison to an independent magazine which has limited resources. The aim of the larger companies as a whole is to make profit rather than for the love of the idea or product they are selling, therefore with the application of a larger company to produce my magazine, there may be less dedication to it than with an independent media institution. An example of a large magazine institution is "Bauer Media", they describe themselves as "Our business is built on influential media brands with millions of personal relationships with engaged readers and listeners. Our strategy is to connect audiences with excellent content through our broad multi-touch point brand platforms, wherever and whenever and however they want. Our wide portfolio of influential brands gives us advantages over pure play magazine or radio competitors." The publication of the product will usually be done by the ones doing the production, in this case bauer media. For the distribution of my product I would with the help of Bauer Media be able to distribute through the business"WWMD" (World Wide Magazine Distribution Ltd) which distributes for other music magazines of Bauer Media such as Kerrang, therefore the distribution of the product would be more successfully distributed across the country and be able to gain reputation as a greatly and quickly distributed product, therefore making it more popular. Finally the exhibition of my magazine "Strain" may be done through the help of small business if it is bought by small or independent businesses such as a newsagents, but to target my audience I would try and get it showcased with others of the genre, I would do this so as to test the popularity or the interest in the product. If or once the product is established as a relatively successful product, I would try to get largely successful business such as "Tesco" or "Sainsbury's" so as to to target a greater market, due to the popularity of those businesses.
In conclusion for the production and the publication of my magazine I would seek the help of Bauer Media so as to have the help of their resources to construct and build the product in to a succesful magazine targeted at the alternative group within music, for the distribution of the prodcuct I would use "WWMD" so as to have a quickly distributing business helping out, finally I would try to exhibit my products in small business first, once or if they established themselves I would seek to exhibit them in larger business or supermarkets.

Job Descriptions -

Editor - The job of an editor is a very notable one, involving overseeing the whole of the magazine, controlling and laying it out so that it achieves its purpose of appealing to someone, maybe through appropriate articles or images and such.

Publisher - A publisher ensures that all texts or articles within a magazine are writtin well and suit their purpose, they will also oversee their rights as a publisher within the organisation. They control theory how the product is going to be sold and who to and also ensuring everything is done on time.

Journalist - A journalist is a key aspect of a magazine as they write the articles within the magazines, may it be an interview or a one sided look at a music event or such.

Photographer - The photographer is in charge of taking the pictures for the magazine and also ensuring they maintain purpose, mostly through mise-en-scene, shot distance and angle.

Delivery person or company - The people in charge of delivering the magazine are to ensure that the product reaches it destination on time so as to reach the shelves quicker.

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