44321 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

44321 Darlington Road, Queen Elizabeth

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Flat Plans

Front Cover -

Rationale -

For the front cover I decided to use a mid shot so as to introduce the act to the potential audience and to get them interested, by the dominance of the image on the front cover. The models natrual hair of red shall be edited so as to look brighter and in turn draw attention to the act whiel contrasting appealingly with the mise-en-scene of a purple T-Shirt to further do this. The header of "STRAIN" is placed at the top left hand corner in a bright variety of green so as to draw attention to the title because people read from left to right, yet the colour is mildy lost in comparison to the model, so as to make the act the focal point. The use of colour mainly blue and red for the added text and boxes on the front cover is done, so that they are all contrasting and keeping to the suave, crisp look of the magazine, which suits the audiences persona.

Contents Page -

Rationale -

The style of the contents page is reminescent of many other contents page, so is keeping the audience comfortable through familiarity yet is more eccentric through more use of colour, as other contents pages tend to have a plain white background. I am using a large picture of the main act so as to draw the reader in and to attract them to the page. The contents page will make use of incentives such as competitions and minor music revues so as to push the thought on the reader that the magazine is informative, as the contents page will usually be the second page the reader see's so has to force the thought onto them quickly. Following from the front page the colours of purple, blue and red will be continued on in the page, with the safe choice of black and white throughout to contrast it all.

Double Page Spread -

Rationale -

The layout of my double page spread is very laid back with only a minor use of colour so as to draw the readers attention to the act and information on the page, it is set out so that the act dominates one half of the double page spread, with the text taking most of other, yet with a smaller picture there to liven it up and reinforce the text. The mise-en-scene of the front page is carried on so as to keep the same contrasting colour pallete and not to be to fluctuated. A pull out quote will be used so as to attract the audience and make known what is the article is about and the use of text within this will be mutiple in choice so as to make an appealing effect. The colours on the double page spread like the other two will be made up mainly of purple, blue, red and with the use of black and white to contrast them.

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