The audience of my to my product I believe is to be targeted at the alternative genre, this a genre made up of multiple groups or tribes, consisting of emos, scene kids and indie kids. All of the tribes within the genre follow a common trend or factor with their choice of music, is that it is mainly made up of different types of rock, screamo for example. Bands within my genre could be "Paramore" "Panic at the Disco" "Flyleaf" or "Fall out Boy", which are commonly popular with nearly all th tribes within the genre. My target audience is made up people who are individual in their choices of music, not following the popularily publiscised acts of mainstream pop, hip and such, they are also passionate and dedicated in their likes and loves while also knowing what they want in a product. My genre is made up of both genders, but is mostly the younger generation, as the they are the only ones to really be open to the new types of genres within music, as can be seen on
A look at the tribes within the genre -
Scene Kid -

As seen within the images a scene kid, is a highly independent person, as is expressed by the exterior of the two models, potraying themselves as wholy a different person to anyone else. The fact that they are such an independent group within the genre, means that they need special attention, with special offers, images and so on that appeals to them as well as the rest of the alternative tribes I have highlighted. A scene kid is a greatly colourful and creative person, maybe expressing a factor that would appeal to them with a product they would consider reading, as I have included within my own product. The scene kid as a tribe is not completley seperate in their look or likes as they are in very much in many way similair to that of emos and such, due to their almost obsessive use of black within their clothes and as stated on they have similair music tastes, meaning that their tastes combined are easier to cater for.
Indie Kid -

The Indie kid within the alternative genre, is probably the most numerous as it is the least outstanding in its fashion stake, in comparison to emos and sceneo's, yet they are just as intense in their interest of the music within the genre with bands like "Coldplay" and such appealing to them as an audience. A indie is kid more laid back in their approach to life, maybe potraying the factor that will target them, as they maybe more interested in the content of the magazine or product rather than the layout which maybe more important to emos or such.
Emo -

Emo as a social tribe, are probably the most well known, predominantly as being depressed and upset youngsters, gaining its name from the word "emotional", they are well showcased tribe within the UK. An emo although being stereotyped in their behaviour are typically trying to appear an individual person, just as the scene kid would do themselves, also meaning they need to be catered towards, maybe by including different things which appeal to them as an audience such as lots of colour or lack of.
In evaluation my audience by analysis of my research into my reader are the alternative genre, consisting of emos, scene kids and indie kids, all with their unique sense of fashion, yet similair tests in music, following the trends of alternative rock. Different could be taken to target them all, being the use of colour, images and special offers, applying to them.
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